Open Campaigns

Tahomey Initiative and ACEGA are non-profit organizations dedicated to helping in Ayiti and in Africa. For now, though we have worked in African countries such as Ivory Coast and Ghana, or cities such as Jacmel in Ayiti, we are mostly focused on two major cities: Jeremie in Ayiti, and Allada in Benin (on the continent of Africa). In Allada we have mostly been focusing on Woman while in Jeremie we focus mostly on the youth.

All Donations go towards specific programs to empower people and communities, and a lot towards education. We believe that through education, and through resource sharing, families and young people who may have been hopeless, not only find hope, but also get the posibilities to develop opportunities for themselves to find sustainable ways of living.

We urge you to contribute to our work, and help us impact more families in these communities.

Already, we thank you for your contribution.

- Send to our PayPal account at :


Thank you.


Closed Campaigns